Spinocerebellar Ataxia is also known as SCA trophy or SCA degeneration, is a progressive degenerative genetic disease. SCA is a hereditary progressive degenerative and often fatal. SCA can affect anyone of any age. The disease is caused by either a recessive or dominant gene. In many cases, people are not aware that they are carrying a relevant gene until they have a children who began to show signs of having the disorder.
Types of Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Cerebellar Ataxia – It is caused by the dysfunction of cerebellum. The part of the brain that is involved in assimilation of sensory perception, co- ordination and fine motor control. It also affects spinal cord. If the vestibule cerebellum is affected the person’s balance and eye movement control will be affected. The cerebellum is the area of the brain responsible for gait and muscle co – ordination.
Sensory Ataxia – It is a result of damage of sensory nerves or your peripheral nervous system. The patient with a sensory ataxia has an unsteady stomping gait, with a heel striking hard as it touches the ground with each step. Proprioception is the sense of relative position of neighbouring parts of the body.
Vestibular Ataxia – It affects vestibular system. This system is made up with your inner ears and ear canals which contains fluid. The patient may experience vertigo or dizziness, nausea and vomiting, trouble walking in a straight line and sometimes blurred vision and other eye issues. In slow – onset chronic bilateral cases, the patient may experience only unsteadiness.
Treatment of Spinocerebellar Ataxia
There’s no treatment specifically for ataxia. In some cases treating the underlying cause revolves the ataxia, such as meditations that cause it. It one of the most devastating symptoms of many neurodegenrative disorders. Till date there is no effective treatment to retard its progression.
The best treatment option for Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) vary and often depend on the signs and symptoms present in each person. Physical therapy can help strengthen muscles, while special devices like cane, crutches, Walker, walking stick or wheelchair can assist in mobility and other activities of daily life.
Research in Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Research helps us in better understanding diseases, and can lead to advances in diagnosis and treatment. Genetic testing is available for many different gene known to cause Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA).
In recent years there has been tremendous growth in research on cerebral functions. The cerebellum is recognized as a unique and a key structure in the central nervous system, controlling more neurons than all other regions of the brain.
The cerebellum is the primary center for motor control, and co – ordination but also increasingly implicated in higher cognitive functions. Support and advocacy groups can help you to connect with patients and families, and they can provide valuable services. Many develop patient – centered information and are the driving force behind research for better treatments and possible cures. They can direct you to research, resources and services.
So, we can say that the patients with Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA] have important balance impairment and risk of falls that influence the ability to function such as self cares, transfers and locomotion. Furthermore, the more severe ataxia is, the more comprised are postural balance, risk of falls and ability to function.