Generally all Ataxia patients find problems in doing day to day activities like buttoning, brushing, eating ,writing etc. due to incoordination and imbalance. These problems could be minimized to some extent with the help of occupational therapist. Therefore AAS arranged an interactive occupational therapy webinat on 18th April 2021.In the webinar occupational therapist Dr. Yashswini ,delivered a talk on how the performance of day to day activities can be improved by doing simple modification and also demonstrated some simple exercises and techniques to control hand tremors while writing and doing other activities. Patients asked about their specific problems and Dr. suggested occupational therapy solution for their problems.
Date: April 18, 2021. Sunday Event Platform: via Zoom Video Conferance Time: 05:00 P.M.
Speaker: Yashaswini Kumari, Occupational therapist Graduation from Indore institute of Medical Sciences, Indore Post graduation from Manipal university, Manipal , Karnataka. Post graduate in Neuro-Rehabilitation. Practised in Apollo hospital Indore, Sarda math rehabilitation centre Indore and in London, U.K.