AAS celebrated international ataxia day on Sunday ,26th September 2021 at 4 PM on zoom app. Renowned social worker Padmashree Janak palta was chief guest of the event. Participants from all over India attendes the event. The president of AAS, Ms. Swasti Wagh, along with entire AAS team were present in the event. The main object of this event was to create awareness about ataxia in the society and encourage ataxia worriers.
The event was started with saraswati vandana sung by Smt. sudha wagh.Then president of AAS ,Swasti Wagh, delivered a welcome note to all the participents in the webinar. AAS patron Dr. Apoorva Pauranik also gave an inspirational speech .
Mrs. Jagruti Upasini gave brief introduction of chief guest and her achievement in various fields. Our chief guest Smt. Janak Palta, gave very inspirational and motivational speech. The key point was ‘हममरेंगेकैसेयहहमेंनहींमालूमपरजीनाकैसायहहमारेहाथमेंहै। ‘Various ataxia fighters joined the event from various parts of the country. During the event the video recordings of patient’s performance was displayed. The patients gave feedback and shared their experience about improvement in their activities by attending regular speech therapy and physiotherapy sessions conducted by AAS .In the event Shri Hardip Dave organised a quiz in which each of them participated very enthusiastically and enjoyed it. Smt. Jyoti Joshi gave vote of thanks to the entire team and those who have participated in the even