Genetic ataxias are of different types .The type of genet ic ataxia can be known only by genetic testing.Although genetic tests are available only for some types of ataxias ,Ataxia Awareness Society arranged a blood sample collection camp for DNA test at Balda Colony,Indore.Insta Diagnostic Lab helped AAS to sent blood samples of ataxia patients for DNA testing to CSIR Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi We appreciate commendable help by AAS team members Mr. Narendra Edlabadkar, Mrs. Jyoti joshi and Mr. Madhav Parihar, Miss. Ankita Sarithia and Mr. Kuldeep Rghwanshi (Volunteers from SGSITS college ) during this event. Mr. Arvind Prajapat and Mr. Brajesh Patel from Insta Diagnostic Lab collected blood samples. We are also thankful to anganwadi at Balda Colony for providing space for the event.